1. Introduction

This document containing needed information to add new layer (shape file) into C-Insight system.
The new layer is provided by the customer as a ESRI file.

In this document we will use PI-Chiapas layer as an example.

  1. Convert ESRI to Shape Files

  1. Use following Software – QGIS, to convert your ESRI file to Shape files.
  2. Install QGIS Software -  https://qgis.org/en/site/forusers/download.html
  3. Open QGIS Software and load the ESRI  Shape file we want to convert.
  4. Press on “Open Data Source”.

  1. choose the folder path with the Relevant Files (*.TAB) and press Double Click.

  1. The layer will be opened.
  2. Close the “Date Source Management” Browser
  3. Right click on the Layer and then – “Export” -> “Save Features As…”

  1. We will choose in the Format box “ESRI Shapefile” – IMPORTANT and we will choose the Path to save the Shape files after the conversion, press OK.

  1. As we can see the files are converted and saved in the folder path we chose.

  1. Calculating Z point:

  1. Logon to C-Insight client as RootAdministrator 
  2. Copy shape folder to C-Insight client.
  3. Open CMD and go to Application folder 🡪

cd c:\c-insight\application
run command 🡪 C-InsightMap.exe test

  1. On test panel 🡪 click on Calculate SHP Z

  1. Brows to now shape folder and select ok:
  2. The process will create new folder “Z” in your shape folder.

  1. Go to Z folder to copy the files (replace) with the original files you have.

  1. Copy the files to 🡪 C:\C-Insight\Application\Map\Shapes

  1. Close the test map application.

  1. Adding New Shape to C-Insight
  1. Open C-Insight application as RootAdministrator user
  2. Go to USAP 🡪 Layers 🡪 Shape Files

  1. Click 🡪 New

  1. Select the new shape files and completed all mandatory fields. 

  1. Update Layer Name, Icon, Color. 
  2. Search by Filed: Name and idPMI   (Note: Name must be first)
  3. Select the organization you wish to allow access to new layer.
  4. You can use the “Preview Layer” to see the result before saving.

  1. Save.
  2. Verify you can see the new layer in the layer list:

  1. Login as Shift Manager / Operator and verify layer loaded correctly

  1. Distribute Layer
  1. Copy the new shape files to all clients in the system under |
  2. Backup the new shape files in \\c5-maint-srv01\MSI\AGS\Client-PostDeployment\Shapes

For future installations.

  1. You can use PDQ tool to distribute the new shape files to all C-Insight clients.

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