CIT - Multi Tenancy Guide

  1. CIT system data come with one default Tenant.

  2. Open CIT.

  3. Click Open from file and choose the JSON file with the relevant deployment.

  4. Login with Tenant Admin user. (U: TenantAdmin P: TntAdmin1234).

  5. Select the default Tenant:
    1. Configure the IAMScope with TUXTLA.
    2. Chang the Name to TUXTLA

  6. Open Deployment Configuration -> ConnectionStrings to configure the Vulcan machine.
    1. Replace all “.\VULCAN” locations with “[Server Name].\VULCAN”.

  7. Open Tenant Management -> Tenant Admin Users:
    1. Add System User: C4ISRV.
    2. Add Tenant Users.

  8. Click Save and Publish to write all data to the database.

  1. Add new Tenant – Configure:

    1. Name - SAN CRISTOBAL
    2. Prefix - SAN
    4. Prefix Lower Range - 10000001
    5. Prefix Upper Range - 20000000
    6. Organization Lower Range - 201
    7. Organization Upper Range - 300

  2. Go to the TUXTLA Tenant and in the Tenant Hierarchy area, check the 
    new Tenant to be his child.

  1. Open Deployment Configuration -> ConnectionStrings to configure the 
    Vulcan machine for the SAN CRISTOBAL Tenant.
  2. Select the new Tennent created

    1. Replace all “.\VULCAN” locations with “[Server Name].\VULCAN”.

  1. Open Tenant Management -> Sync Services and configure the relevant data.

  2. Click Save and Publish to write all data to the database.
  3. Open Tenant Management -> Publish Tenant Data.



Check connection to remote database.

Check/Un-check – to select/un-select Tenant(s) to publish.

Start Publish.

Clear log.

    1. Click on Check connection to verify exist connection to remote database machine. (please verify that the status is OK)

    2. Click Start Publish.
      1. You’ll prompt to confirm.

    3. In Tenants Sync Progress you will see the progress of pass or fail tables.

  1. After you do TENANT PUBLISH DATA   - run this command in the Child tenant 

exec [VulcanAdmin].[ReseedAllTables] 10000000

  1. Go to the SAN CRISTOBAL environment.
  2. Open CIT.
  3. Open from server.
  4. You’ll see 2 Tenants.
  5. Select SAN CRISTOBAL Tenant.
  6. *** Start configure deployment - machines/hosts/services.
  7. Click Save and Publish to write all data to the database.

Tenant users in Vulcan

select * from TenantManagement.Tenants

select * from TenantManagement.Users

select * from TenantManagement.Roles

select * from TenantManagement.UserRoles

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