Camera Calibiration
Upon importing or defining new cameras, the administrator must calibrate the virtual view in the 3D view on the USAP map with what he sees in the corresponding video tile for the camera. The following procedure describes how to calibrate the virtual view on the 3D USAP map with the actual video camera view.
Note: The Administrator MUST calibrate EVERY camera added to the system, regardless if it was added manually or using Mass Import from a file.
- To calibrate the 3D USAP view to the video camera:
- Log on to the computer as a Root Administrator and open C-Insight.
- In the Video screen, go to the Layers pane and open the Cameras list.
- Select and double-click the camera.
- Right click on the camera icon 🡪 “location”
- Go ti USAP 🡪 right click on the corresponding camera 🡪 Show / Hide FOV
- If the FOV is not calibitare according to camear live view than ir required calibiration.
- The USAP virtual camera view should approximately correspond to the video stream from the camera.
- On the USAP map, right-click the camera and select Calibrate from the drop-down menu.
- If the camera is a Fixed camera, the Calibration dialog box below opens.
- If the camera is a PTZ camera, the following Calibration dialog box opens.
- If the camera is PTZ, go to the video screen and click the camera title.
- Use the mouse or joystick to move the camera offsets to match the two Offset values in the PTZ Calibration dialog box.
- Go to the USAP virtual camera and continue to the next step.
- Compare the view in the virtual camera in the USAP window to the actual video stream from the on-site camera.
Use the joystick or mouse to move the virtual camera’s view direction,
Click the up (▲) and down (▼) arrows next to each field: Height, Zoom (if applicable), Heading, and Inclination.
When you reach a virtual view that is like the actual view, click OK.
Repeat this procedure for every imported camera. 0.
Note: EVERY imported and created video camera MUST be calibrated.
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