1. Export Face List
  1. Open C-Insight with user that have access to suspect lists
  2. Select the list you want to export.
  3. Select the export button:

  1. Select folder you want to export the list to and press ok and wait for the 
    “Save Successful” massage

  1. In the export list folder, you will find excel file with all the suspect information.
  2. For suspect with face picture, you will find the picture name in the “Picture” column.
  3. The picture file will be located in sub folder name “Images”

  1. Import Face List

In the following example we will import a list of 8 suspect people to existing list in the system.

The list name is “Galina's list

  1. Create Import excel file with all the suspect information (see attached format example)

  1. Locate the suspect pictures in Images folder where excel file is located.

  1. In Picture column add the image name for each suspect.

  1. Open C-Insight with user that have access to suspect lists
  2. Select the list you want to import the list to and click in Import button

  1. Go to the folder where you located the import files and images folder and select the import file.

  1. The list of suspects will be added to the “Import” Tab
    Select all new records and click on “Add to System” 

  1. Verify list has been added with the pictures successfully.

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