Public Transportation Integration configuration:

CIT Configuration:

  1. Add PT BU ion CIT

  1. Go to HQ 🡪 Modules 🡪 Unit Types

  1. Check all 3 PT unit types

Save + sync

System Configuration:

  1. Login as RootAdministrator and Add server:

Server Parameters



Password: AGSCityShop33f!5u2e

Vendor: PositionLogic

  1. Import Vehicles 

Press “Get Vehicles”  button 

then set vehicles properties and import the vehicles

Checking C-Insight log between 05:44 to 05:46 AM I found that we received from Public Transportation system the following events.

Numbers mark in red are events ID from Public Transportation system and number inside the brackets  are the mapping to C-Insight events type.

2021-02-02 05:44:07.7979 [327] PublicTransportationManager Debug New Public Transporation events received Id(s)- 13211359[22],13211361[2],13211362[15],13211366[15] 

2021-02-02 05:44:53.6759 [1009] PublicTransportationManager Debug New Public Transporation events received Id(s)- 13211388[15],13211391[9],13211392[22],13211393[22] 

2021-02-02 05:45:39.5801 [508] PublicTransportationManager Debug New Public Transporation events received Id(s)- 13211432[21],13211436[15],13211437[22],13211438[15],13211439[22] 

2021-02-02 05:46:25.4679 [134] PublicTransportationManager Debug New Public Transporation events received Id(s)- 13211459[15],13211461[21],13211463[15] 

Every few seconds or min C-Insight send a request to Public Transportation to retrieve available events limited in “Start” and “End” time:

2021-02-02 05:44:53.4258 [1009] PublicTransportationManager Trace Begin - Checking for vehicle events ! Start time - 2/2/2021 11:44:07 AM | End time - 2/2/2021 11:44:53 AM 

2021-02-02 05:44:53.4258 [1009] PublicTransportationManager Trace executing POST request to path , Size - 5488

  1. I just run this request again for the same time  5:45 am (but in UTC) and retrieve only 1 SOS event for vehicle 98779.
    Note that event arrive without location and this can explain why we didn’t create event.

In order to test more examples, we need Chava to provide in the expect also the External event ID.

Public Transportation Event Types:

select *  FROM [Vulcan].[Configuration].[EventTypes] where EventTypeId >= 70745 and EventTypeName like '%Public%'

PublicTransportationManager Debug  Position logic Event type mappings - 

External: 2 --> Internal: 70745

External: 3 --> Internal: 70750

External: 4 --> Internal: 70755

External: 6 --> Internal: 70760

External: 9 --> Internal: 70765

External: 10 --> Internal: 70770

External: 11 --> Internal: 70775

External: 12 --> Internal: 70780

External: 13 --> Internal: 70785

External: 14 --> Internal: 70790

External: 15 --> Internal: 70795

External: 16 --> Internal: 70800

External: 21 --> Internal: 70805

External: 22 --> Internal: 70810

External: 25 --> Internal: 70820

External: 28 --> Internal: 70815

External: 29 --> Internal: 70825

External: 33 --> Internal: 70830

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