1. Vulcan – SQL Server installation

In the following section you will install SQL server 2019 STD that will be use for Vulcan and VulcanAuditDB databases in C-Insight and the Reporting services.
The SQL ISO file should be provided by CityShob DBA team as it includes automatics scripts.


    1. Prerequisite 
  1. Windows 2019 servers is installed with required CPU / RAM and disk space
  2. Windows Server is joined to domain.
  3. Time Zone and clock (NTP) is sync with Active Directory
  4. SQL Server 2019 ISO
  5. SSMS-Setup-ENU 18.5.1.exe
  6. SQLServerReportingServices.exe

    1. SQL Server Installation 
  1. Login to SQL server as administrator
  2. Go to SQL ISO folder 
  3. Run the 🡪 01_SQL_INSTALL.BAT

  1. Wait until the installation is completed.
  2. Install SQLServerReportingServices.exe
  3. Install the SSMS-Setup-ENU 18.5.1.exe.

  1. Open Management Studio and verify you can login to local Vulcan instance.

    1. Data Bases Installation 

Notice: Installing Databases from an MSI will run over previous DB.

      1. Extract MSI
  1. Login to SQL Server as administrator account.
  2. Create new C-Insight folder under C:\ 
  3. Copy the C-Insight.msi file to c:\c-insght folder
  4. Open command line: start 🡪 run 🡪 cmd as administrator

  1. Run command:
  • cd c:\c-insight\
  • msiexec /a "C-Insight.msi" /qb TARGETDIR="C:\C-INSIGHT\Extract"

  1. Wait until all the MSI content will be extracted.

      1. Deploy Vulcan DB

  1. Go to folder 🡪 C:\C-INSIGHT\extract\WinRoot\C-Insight\Databases\Vulcan\Vulcan
  2. Open file Configuration.xml and configure the Folder section to drive path installed In server

  1. Execute the PowerShell script 🡪 ExecuteDBScripts.ps1

  1. Verify logs ended with no errors
  2. Go to Project Data folder 🡪 C:\C-INSIGHT\extract\WinRoot\C-Insight\Databases\Vulcan\Vulcan\ProjectData\xxx
  3. Run as administrator 🡪 01_AddData.cmd


      1. Deploy VulcanAuditDB

  1. Go to folder 🡪 C:\C-INSIGHT\extract\WinRoot\C-Insight\Databases\Vulcan\VulcanAuditDB

  1. Open file Configuration.xml and configure the Folder section to drive path installed In server

  1. Execute the PowerShell script 🡪 ExecuteDBScripts.ps1
  2. Verify logs ended with no errors

      1. Deploy DB Upgrade

  1. Go to folder 🡪 C:\C-INSIGHT\extract\WinRoot\C-Insight\Databases\Vulcan\DBUpdate
  2. Run as administrator 🡪 RunDBUpdate.bat
  3. Verify logs ended with no errors

    1. Reporting Services 

Notice: Installing Databases from an MSI will run over previous DB.

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